Evaluation of the Poster Design

 On March 24, the blog posted a critique of the poster design presentation. We were asked to develop four A3 posters and print them for presentation because the meeting was a formal review discussion. 

                                                                Picture the Presentation  

The names of the four posters I made for this presentation, trying to include material from all of my blogs, are mentioned below:

1. Community space connects the environmental elements

2. A sustainable society is created from natural things.

3. Psychological effects with color connections.

4. Repair cafe is in fact a bridge to promote the connection between contributing to social awareness.

Our interior architectural design course was our first presentation, and it was a four-poster presentation. I also had some trouble expressing my thoughts and opinions. Both of our tutors, Racheal Brown, and Carry Fung, offer feedback and are pleased with my efforts. After the presentation, we were each given a brief period of time to discuss the drawings and keywords. In addition to the south sea and the repair café, the students were interested in other places. 

Keyword List Picture

The Response I Received:

I decide on a repair café as my site; hence, I must concentrate on the site interaction for the concept. I've included the following keywords in the presentation:  connectivity, interlock, Bridge, found materials, dialogue, and refreshment. Concepts are ideas that integrate various elements into a whole. These elements can be ideas, emotions, thoughts, and observations. 

There are several varieties of the notion, including analogies, metaphors, and essences. Our concept ideas are focused on essence which is mainly looking beyond the programmatic needs.

So, the concept is Repair Café in fact a bridge to encourage the relationship between social awareness and contribution.

A bridge is a location where individuals from different backgrounds may come together and share knowledge; it acts as a platform for everyone and a link between communities. The café of connection repair with the members of the social community may be linked into a bridge that connects everyone. From this concept, to create a connection that is connected to the people in the community through the use of found materials, safety ensures the innovative lighting system, reception and lobby space for gathering and interaction, innovative, and locally sustainable materials, and the organization of social activities using the various colors present to raise awareness. The neighborhood will experience an unforgettable voyage of creative space design, including various height variations and attractive waste materials.

Concept Keywords: 

Connectivity: Connection from Community people found materials

Interlock: Furniture ensures the creative focus by interlock.

Refreshment: Kitchen area for refreshments.

Dialogue: Reception and lobby space for dialogue.

Community interaction: Workshop and Window display for storytelling of community interaction.



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