Wymering Manor is a historic treasure located in the Cosham neighborhood of Portsmouth. As we go into this mansion, we are immediately filled with emotion. This home's interior is furnished with traditional materials and has a live space quality that honors its past.
The Wymering Manor Trust wants to reopen the historic house in Portsmouth so that visitors may easily access it. Even though Wymering Manor is a private home, it has long been a community hub. Because of the various events and parties the private owners hosted, the home and grounds were often open to residents in the past. The trust believes that via making repairs and restoring the building, visitors will have a greater understanding of the value of the property in respect to its historical surroundings.
INTERIOR SPACE, Wooden beam, Brick wall, Wooden furniture, Color, Timber floor
Grass, Tress, Still Stair, Soft Pave, Walkway, Garden
Fig: Site Visit Experience Sketch Fig: Site Visit Experience Photograph
Fig: Site Visit Experience Artwork
Sound Art Work
The manor's rooms feature a rich tapestry of stories that may captivate artists and philosophers who are interested in issues of memory, legacy, and the fleeting essence of human existence. In the interior of Wymering Manor, the fusion of creative research and historical resonance may result in provocative expressions that open a conversation between the past and present by bridging the gap between the tangible and the abstract.
Fig: Site Visit Experience Sound Artwork
Creative Writing Keyword:
Wonderful for natural lighting.
Wymering is a historical masterpiece.
The dining room's long section of hardwood furniture is arranged like a ground celebration.
It's the sense of wonder and the interactive woodwork.
The open living area within this historical space is the most memorable aspect of its overall mood. I felt connected to the past, immersed in the charm of a bygone era, and left with a lasting impression of timeless beauty.
Fig: Site Visit Experience Creative Writing
Fig: Interior Space Corner Photography
Fig: From Interior Space Window beside Photography
Fig: Colorful Interior Space
The furniture table shelf is in fact a represent of the Wymering manor house history.
The first step on the shelf stands for the past, and the second step for the future. because one of the main links between history and space is this. The furniture of Wymering Manor House is classic in color and texture, symbolizing antiquity. The first stage—that is, realizing our connection to the past and future—is linked to the second step by this furniture. Due to the fact that everything must be combined with an architectural wall, furniture is related to interior spaces.
Fig: Furniture Workshop
Fig: Furniture Workshop
Idea Process Making
Can you now develop a post that critical reflects on your work. How does it relate to the work of others? What are the key texts that you are referring to? Who are the community of thinkers that you want to think with? or artists/architects/interiors. What did you take from the creative writing process?