"Second Visit to Wymering Manor House"
We were all interested in learning more about a specific topic on our second visit to Wymering Manor. Our main activities this week were listening to all kinds of sounds and writing creatively. Finding more natural lighting connections with areas and investigating its inside with a more connected space piqued my curiosity. which features a room with two stories and plenty of natural light coming in through lovely big windows that highlight the furniture.
Fig: Wymering Manor House Interior Space
Window light and furniture relationship with natural light.
The day began at Wymering Manor House with a unique and creative activity. The bottom floor has a double-height area that is connected to the first floor as well as a large entrance hall with numerous reception designs. The magnificent living area features cold fillings, natural light, peaceful sound, and a clear visual link between the first and ground floors.
Fig: Collage Picture
Creative Writing Keyword:
Wonderful for natural lighting.
Wymering is a historical masterpiece.
The dining room's long section of hardwood furniture is arranged like a ground celebration.
It's the sense of wonder and the interactive woodwork.
The open living area within this historical space is the most memorable aspect of its overall mood. I felt connected to the past, immersed in the charm of a bygone era, and left with a lasting impression of timeless beauty.
Fig: Making use of sound
I thoroughly enjoyed the entire process and learned a little bit about how to suggest a fresh idea and design while taking into account the architectural and architectural interior constraints.
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